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Shopping for a Nursing Home

During breakfast today, I read about Ebola, the disasters in Israel and the Ukraine, and a shootout in Greenwich Village two blocks from my home so opened the Science section of the paper, looking for good news only to find Jane Brody urging us to shop for a nursing home. For me shopping – whether […]


“See who’s viewing your profile” — LinkedIn, you’re a yenta

“See who’s viewed your profile,” is the new, “Want to know what so and so said about you?” LinkedIn makes no pretense of being discreet. The site is no better than the yenta friend who can’t wait to tell you that someone said something about you. Today they told me that only 21 people have […]


Keeping a Pet’s Presence Alive After the Animal Has Died

I’m not surprised to be reading that pets have become extremely important to young singles, who find that a dog or cat is less stressful than being with a lover (though in defense of humans, an animal, no matter how devoted, will never pick up the cleaning). There is now the phrase, “pets as partners,” […]